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Is US Alfalfa Right for My Horse
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Is US Alfalfa right for my horse?
Dehydrated alfalfa is the most nutritive rich form of alfalfa, containing more vitamins, minerals, and amino acids than typical suncured alfalfa. It has been reported that 10 pounds of high quality dehydrated alfalfa will probably out-yield most horse "conditioners" on every labled ingredient except B-12, and will supply most of the horse's energy and protein needs.

US Alfalfa is good for all horses; the working horse, mature horse, show horse, and colts.

It is also good for other animals. We receive comments about the favorable use of US Alfalfa in the diets of the following animals.

-   All Show Animals -   Gerbils
-   Birds - Canaries -   Guinea Pigs
-   Bucket Calves -   Hamsters
-   Buffalo -   Lambs
-   Camels -   Llama
-   Chickens -   Milking Goats
Reported increased milk flow
-   Dairy Cattle -   Ostriches
-   Deer -   Pigs
-   Elk -   Rabbits
-   Emus -   Sea Turtles

US Alfalfa-It's not just for horses.