We've put together a list of the questions we receive most often. If you can't find the answer to your question here, please feel free to contact us.
Why feed Dehydrated Alfalfa? Dehydrated alfalfa is the most nutritive rich form of alfalfa, containing more vitamins, minerals, and amino acids than typical suncured alfalfa. It has been reported that ten pounds of high quality dehydrated alfalfa will probably out-yield most horse "conditioners" on every labeled ingredient except vitamin B-12, and will supply most of the horse's energy and protein needs. Also improves appearance and performance of your animals.
How much US Alfalfa should I feed my horse? Click here for feed recommendations.
What is the difference between US Alfalfa and conventional hay? Click here for a list of advantages of US Alfalfa over hay.
Where can I get US Alfalfa? Click here for help in locating a distributor.
Can I feed US Alfalfa to other animals? Yes, click here to see our list of animals that have been fed US Alfalfa. If your animal is not listed, check with your vet or animal specialist to see if it would be good for your animal.
If you can't find the answer to your question, e-mail or call us, and we'll be more than happy to answer your question. |